Yep, that's what describes today! Em, I haven't told you about what I achieved beside being a participant of NSDC 2011. After I went back to Ternate (June 2nd) I had my final exam (as a second grader) in June 6th-11th. I was sooooo free and grateful because I've passed two most important tasks in June. Yet sometimes I feel like being in hell, because I let him go due to my effort to focus on NSDC 2011. Yes him! The boy I had been dating for 5 months before I decided to end that sweet precious relationship. Feel like being in hell, I sometimes miss him BAHAHAHAHA (Finally I admit it! *Lega rasanya*)
And, when I was enjoying my free time with lying on the sofa, my cellphone was ringing and I saw "Ranitania Calling". I answered it anyway, but the networking was bad as hell and I went outside.
"Rani: "Yeyeeeeeen, proposal kita yeeeeeeen, proposal kita diterima"Yeyen: "Apaaaaaa? Sumpah demi apa? Gapercayaaaa!"Rani: "Iya yeeeeeeeen, beneran!"Yeyen: "Raniiiiii, yang kepilih itu cuma 10 proposal terbaik dari ribuan proposal yang dikirim di seluruh Indonesia, SELURUH INDONESIA !!Rani: "Iya emang bener yen, aku juga gak percaya! tapi emang ini kenyataannya""
You know what happened? I was so excited and Jumping arround my home and screaming "Aaaaaaaaaaa lolos! Proposalnya loloooooos! Jakarta lagiiiiiiii! 10 besar! Mimpi apa gue semalam kok bisa kayak gini? Aaaaaaaaaaaa seneng banget YaAllah."
Back to the story of today. Well as what you read, our proposal is accepted by the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural of RI. And (to make it becomes shorter story) I have to prepare all things needed, by visiting historical building (Forts) which were built by the Dutch.
There are six! SIX! YES SIX! And it took more than just 3 hours to visit each single fort. It took 5 hours! Five ho-u-rs! (Can you imagine how exhausting today was?)
first, we (Me,Ranitania,Ismi, Mam Muhani, Mam Sabaria, Mam Bekti) visited Tolukko Fort. Nothing was distracting me. The view was good as usual, and the environment was clean.
Second, we went visiting a new fort. Why I called it "new" ? Because it was.. I don't know how to say it in english but, it was terkubur underground before people digged the ground and found the hidden fort.
IT IS REALLY OUTTA MY EXPECTATION! NO ONE CARES ABOUT IT! THE DRIVER WHICH WAS DRIVING US SAID "Itu benteng? Aaah bukan! Kebun kelapa gitu disebut benteng! Apaan coba? malah nyusahin lagi"
Third, we visited Kastela fort. I was upset!
Fourth, Kalamata fort. enchanting! Good panorama, wind blowed, my mood was getting better
Fifth, St. Pedro fort (Actually known as Benteng Kota Janji). I was getting mad because the gate was LOCKED! Hell-o fort is a good place to remind us on how people lived in the past, how our anchestors kept trying to live under opression by the Dutch. But how could it become locked? Grr
Sixth, Oranje Fort (People call it Benteng Oranye). I cursed the gov (in my mind ONLY). Benteng Oranye was unlike Kalamata or Tolukko which were impressing me! I will tell you about Benteng Oranye later on my upcoming post (If I remember :p)
The point is, Government and society attention to the fortress are different. Government tends to care Tolukko and Kalamata (And St. Pedro, if the gate is unlocked). And society tends to visit Tolukko and Kalamata.
Basically (I guess) the root of this problem is coming from the government (included the stakeholders). Why? Think it by yourself!
you girls are amazing, I'm so proud of you all. cemungudh! :D
Hey "nobody" I know you :p thank you for everything you gave to us (the girls). Semoga bisa ketemu disana ya kaaaaaaak! kita main di PIM atau kalo enggak ya di GI gitu ke magnum cafe
sip, i'll wait u there.
love u'all always!
err whos using my nick and post that comment? i take no responsibilities of what happening as if someone sues me for not making my promise up :p
whatthehell? so there are 2 "nobody" huh?
and (for you, yes you, real/original) I was smiling for couple minutes when read "love u'all always!" bcs finally you admit you love us. and unfortunately it wasn't coming from the real "nobody" --"
tee-hee truth hurts ruth, eh yen :p
but right now i've already inhabiting my kost2an & it was like 4 hrs from ur place, so dont blame me if i cant pay a visit, after all my pra-ospek thingies will start in this july :3
Haaaaaa? :o (suddenly attacked by read your comment)
heh nobody, are you sure, the one wears black eyeglass is you? He isn't RSR! He's kipernya smansa. I know it
I knew, I just loooveeee that pic so much, its a one hell of entertainment guiding me to such a hilarious, outrageous laughter everytime I'm seeing it, even in the middle of indonesia open crowd :D
you... *suddenly get heart attack* ! hahaha I wonder, what if he knows about what we've been talking about. will he become ......... Mad at us?
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