The boy in this photo is one among my friends. His full name is Fikryadi A. Lukman. I often call him iky, because it's his nickname.
Well, dia adalah temen gue dari dulu.
Kita temenan sejak dia pindah dari Bandung ke Ternate. Persisnya ketika kelas 1 caturwulan kedua. I forget how our first meeting was. But all I remember is we started being rival since that time. Kita lomba-lombaan posisi pertama di kelas. Kadang gue, kadang iky. Kadang juga sama-sama di posisi pertama. Oya, SD Pertiwi 1 was the school.
Dulu iky putih. Ga pake kacamata. Pendiem, kalem. Santun. Pinter. Bacaannya tebel-tebel semua.
Setelah selesai di sekolah dasar. We went to the same school again. Unplanned sih. Mungkin kebetulan. Atau mungkin enggak. Karena SMPN 1 Kota Ternate was the most favorite school at that time there. We met again in the same class. Yes, still unplanned. Mungkin kebetulan. Tapi mungkin juga enggak. It was bilingual class. Sebelum bisa masuk di kelas itu, lo harus ikut serangkaian seleksi itu. We might join that selection either because of the prestige offered or pursuit of the happiness or the want of our parents.
Banyak perubahan iky setelah duduk di bangku SMP.
Berkacamata, got his skin tanned, makin tinggi, agak lebih kurus, dan perlahan mulai ga pendiem. For whatever he was at that time, we still were friends.
After we finished 3 years there, tanpa disangka dan tanpa diduga, kita masuk SMA yang sama. SMAN 1 Kota Ternate. Memang sekolah itu bukan menjadi satu-satunya sekolah favorit pada waktu itu, karena masih adb beberapa sekolah yang lainnya. But God's plan made me meet him again for the next 3 years.
Jika di SD dan SMP Tuhan memberi kesempatan untuk belajar di ruang kelas yang sama, di SMA tidak seperti itu.
Gue di kelas X3 dan iky di X7. We joined the same kegiatan ekskul. Student Journalist --which works on school's magazine-- and English Club --still in the same concentration, debating--
Di tahun kedua dan ketiga, gue di kelas IPA1 dan iky di kelas IPA7.
Selama di SMA, perubahan iky....apa ya? I didn't watch him as detail as before sih, ya mungkin karena beda kelas.
But, if I can give a brief summary,
Dia di SMA jadi makin tinggi. Still wear glasses, tapi dengan frame kotak. Pinter, tapi udah mulai sering main. Sarkastik dan kadang skeptis ke isu-isu tertentu.
We wanted the same university lho! But still, different major.
Entah kenapa dan bagaimana, we also applied for PMDK Universitas Bakrie. He applied for Management, and Me, applied for..(yes, you're right) industrial engineering.
We both got accepted. But iky didn't pick UB.
I said to him, "yaaah sayang banget ya ky, padahal kalo diambil kan kita barengnya nambah lagi 4 tahun. Eh tp gpp deh, udah bosen juga 12 tahun bareng mulu"
I'm not that bored sih. There's no boredom, actually. I was just kidding to him.
now, he's a freshman from Universitas Parahyangan, Bandung.
Different city, same island. We meet sometimes, when I visit my family in Bandung.
Well, the photo was taken at Braga, Bandung lho, just for your information.
And today, December 28th, he's celebrating his 18th birthday. As a friend, all I can do is giving him all good prayers. He's a good friend. He always lends me his shoulder, listens all the words spoken, and gives supports whenever needed.
He may change. Yes, people DO change as time passes. But for whatever change he may turn into, I DO hope that it leads him to be a better man.
Happy birthday, ky. Hope God listens your prayers, my prayers, our prayers. You should be better, you're now 18 ky, eighteen. Parameter usia dewasa. You should be more mature. And, jangan jadi php. Kasian tuh udah banyak korban php-php disana hahaha
Rajin kuliah juga ky biar GPA bagus, kali aja ntar pas udah kerja --entah kenapa dan bagaimana-- kita ketemu di perusahaan yang sama :))
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