Friday, May 10, 2013

Thanks, April!

It's nice to finally write here again. April until May 8th brought so many things. I took so many opportunities. Kaderisasi HMTI, Epicentrum Kebangsaan, ALSA E-Comp at UI, and midterm exam. sebenernya pengen ngepost satu-satu aja gitu, karena euforianya beda-beda. tapi apa daya, keterbatasan mood hahaha jadi gue jelasin satu-satu aja ya in general hihihi
1. Kaderisasi HMTI
this is a very rare opportunity. when I sent my CV to the committees, I didn't set my target. I didn't plan to be the leader. All I wanted maybe.....kadep akademik. My mom knew, she supported and seemed so excited by me joining kaderisasi and aiming for kadep akademik. I wanted that position bcs I... I think it is a very strategical position after BPI. but later, after joining kaderisasi, I found out, I didn't fit in that position. I'm not that creative to plan about the core event. Sampe sekarang bahkan gue ga tau, gue sebenernya pantas dimana. I know my weaknesses sih makanya ngerasa ga pantas dimana-mana ._.
but the whole rangkaian kaderisasi HMTI was really superb! gue suka! serius!! suka banget!! suka pas ada games simulasi kerjaan tiap departemen. suka pas sharing sama banyak pembicara. suka pas outbondnya juga. suka games di hutan malam-malam. yang paling gue suka dan bikin penasaran sampe sekarang? main game yang kalimat pembukanya "tadi malam telah terjadi pembunuhan...." aaa pokoknya harus main lagi.

all the participants of Kaderisasi HMTI were asked to hold an event. we were trusted to organize #VelocityII. and gladly, it run well. 
hal-hal yang berawal dari kaderisasi ini bener-bener bikin gue sadar banyak hal lainnya.tentang gimana senior tekdus11 yang sangat caring. tentang gimana gue sangat bangga punya senior-senior sehebat itu. tentang gimana kebersamaan tekdus12 kerasa banget, sama-sama ngerasain happy sama-sama susah dan sama-sama teary. tentang gimana tekdus12 juga sangat caring. dan tentang gimana gue ternyata sangat sayang sama tekdus12 dan beruntung bisa dikasih kesempatan untuk punya mereka. bener-bener sayang teknik industri kampus ini. keluarga. bener-bener caring layaknya keluarga.

2. Epicentrum Kebangsaan
I got the nametag of "PANITIA" and all I did was to promote the event. I love doing that, I love promoting thing, seriously.

eh this is Tabita. on previous posts mungkin gue sering ngemention nama tabita atau kadang juga bita. she is a very nice friend in college. dia tabita yang dulu sering dibully :') sekarang bukannya ga ngebully lagi, tapi ga sesering dulu haha she's a good partner here. we promoted thing. and we enjoyed. 
sebenernya yang di tim sosial media bukan cuma gue sama tabita, ada juga amman, ical, hebran dan okta. 

3. ALSA E-Comp UI
this is my very first tournament in College. we prepared. I prepared. but maybe my preparations weren't as much as they should be. my team didn't break to octofinals. but I'm still grateful for that. selain lomba pertama di kampus, lomba ini juga jadi lomba dan bahkan debat-debat pertama gue jadi third speaker. selama di SMA, I was the second speaker. dan selama di college, kata coach nya gue bagus di first. but it turned out, I didn't really mess up being third speaker.

this is how @EDS_Bakrie family spent their Saturday night together. sebagian besarnya jomblo lho ._.
"anak eds bakrie jomblo itu ada 2 alasannya: either idealis atau jelek"
said one among the members.
these girls were my teammates. Okta and Rani.
Thank you girls for the great corporation during the tourney :3

4. Midterm exam
I don't know, whether this thing could be counted as opportunity or not. actually I didn't do 2 exams bcs I joined the competition. dan sekarang ketika yang lain udah ngetweet "akhirnya uts selesai.." gue disini masih nungguin susulan 2 mata kuliah ._.
after the competition, I really felt relieved but also tired. memang semangat sih ngerjain ujiannya. tapi kayaknya semangat itu ga konsisten dari awal deh. terbukti. gue baru liat nilai di portal dan nilainya makin menurun berdasarkan tanggal ujiannya ._.)
I messed up a little at gamtek. ya, I know. I didn't finish gambar nomer 1 and it sucks seeing my exam score.
nilai alpro belum keluar. but I know, I messed up too much. susah banget ujiannya :(
and calculus? ah jangan tanya lagi deh, gue lupa waktu itu jawab apa.
it seems like I didn't maximally use this opportunity.

Oya, in April, ditengah-tengah hecticnya gue latian-epikebangsaan-kepantiaan-uts, gue sakit. it was a serious problem bcs my mom and my big family mulai warn untuk ga sering-sering sibuk lagi. they do believe that health is everything. agak-agak nyes juga sih waktu diwarn sama mama. mom trusts me, I know. mama bahkan gapernah minta apa-apa. tapi kalopun ada yang mama minta, mama cuma minta jaga kesehatan. and I failed doing that. maaf ma hehe

and I also found out what I love the most.
doing so many things at the same times memang susah. taking those opportunities juga ga jamin semuanya lancar. ada kejadian dimana gue salah fokus yang ended up bikin gue jadi kurang berdedikasi sebagaimana semestinya. gue merenung. dan found out alasannya dimana. mungkin gue salah karena ketika suka sama sesuatu, yang lainnya jadi less-prioritized. tapi gue udah janji sama diri sendiri, harus lebih bisa ngatur fokus dan konsisten. konsisten semangat, konsisten fokus, dan konsisten sama goal sendiri.

"those opportunities lead to experiences. those experiences lead to lessons learned. and by the lessons learned, I finally know what to do next. I hope later I won't mess thing up." 


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