Friday, September 13, 2013

A daughter's prayer

"Dear God, I may not be your best believer. but for this time, I humbly beg you to give strength to my mom. she's been struggling to support our lives since you took dad some months ago. just don't give her more hardship because we are separated by distance and I just can't be there to hug and encourage her directly.
and more importantly, don't take her when I haven't paid all the sacrifice she's been giving for my whole life.."

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sophomore? soon on September!

hi! it's me coming back again. I've been going around doing many things meet many people laughing crying etc since the last time I shared about how I deeply felt stressed and cut my hair. now my hair has grown longer hahah but that's not the point of me writing again.
well this may be kinda strange, but I've just finished semester 2 here. I know other friends had already stated this since..2 weeks ago. not that I'm anti-mainstream or anything else, it's just, due to my trip to Malang and Purwokerto, I skipped 3 exams and I had to catch up on makeup exams and it's just finished by today.
I'm excited. no, I'm feeling much more complicated than just excited. I'm happy, teary, excited, kinda disappointed, a lil sad, etc. I've been spending 2 semesters here. and it seems like I don't really optimally enjoy my time here hahah. well, to be a freshman was really an unforgettable experience. believe it or not, at the very first time I lived a freshman life, I was feeling like..everything's difficult. I had to do everything by myself, moreover I was also far away from home and my family. I only knew few people. but by time, I discovered more. I knew more people. I interacted. and it became normal.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

New haircut for a better luck

Yes. I'm cutting my hair. And yes, when most of people do feel stressful over something, they cut their hair. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

After 14th day..

"so yes, I'm now enjoying my chocolate. a sweet one. to boost up my mood. to cheer me up whenever I'm down and to sweeten those bitter things."

Friday, May 10, 2013

Thanks, April!

It's nice to finally write here again. April until May 8th brought so many things. I took so many opportunities. Kaderisasi HMTI, Epicentrum Kebangsaan, ALSA E-Comp at UI, and midterm exam. sebenernya pengen ngepost satu-satu aja gitu, karena euforianya beda-beda. tapi apa daya, keterbatasan mood hahaha jadi gue jelasin satu-satu aja ya in general hihihi

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Before going back to Jakarta.

Good morning people! It's so rare, that I'm writing in the morning. Because I often post in the evening or even midnight :p

So well, today is the day when February 2013 ends! That means I'm closer to the College life again. That also means my holiday will end soon.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mantan Favorit: Mungkin Terbiasa

"setiap orang pasti punya mantan yang diam-diam masih lekat di hati orang tersebut even when they already find the new one"
Kita memang sering denger kata-kata kayak gitu. Entah itu di film, ftv, twitter, status facebook ataupun dari hati sendiri sebagai pembelaan ketika ada yang protes kalo teringat mantan. Biasanya sering disebut 'mantan terindah', 'mantan tak terlupakan', 'mantan kece badai cetar membahana terpampang nyata' atau apa saja. Gue sendiri punya kok. But I call mine, 'mantan favorit'.


I know they are enjoying their holiday now. But, I miss them..

Monday, February 18, 2013


Hi. It's me again on my holiday.
So now, I'm no longer in Jakarta. I've been home since february 10th.
I ate many tasteful and delicious foods before I went here but I was not in a good mood to share those foods I ate and the experience I got hahah
Well, I secretly have planned the things I'm going to do in Ternate, such as:

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Judul dan topik postingan kali ini kayaknya agak eye-catching deh guys. hmm sebenernya gue males banget ngepost kayak gini, ga ada interest buat bahas ini di blog gue yang yaaa.. dalam februari ini (direncanakan akan) banyak menceritakan tentang liburan gue lol
well.. gue akhir-akhir ini nemu temen baru. bukan temen baru juga sih.. dia temen kampus kok. dia follow twitter gue duluan trus gue followback trus kadang ngeretweet tweet gue, sampai suatu ketika.....pas uas pengantar teknik industri gue datengnya agak pagian dan di kampus ga ada makhluk sejenis gue alias maba kecuali Fajar (temen seprodi gue), Deni (pacar fajar) dan Adam (temen Deni). gue terus gabung dong sama mereka, yakali gue harus duduk sendiri di meja yang lain di student lounge kampus, kan bakal keliatan banget hampanya kayak apa -_-

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First Thursday of my holiday

As what you've read on previous post, gue sekarang lagi liburan. gue punya 3 berita. agak bad news, good news, dan bad news dalam hari selasa di libur gue kali ini.
Berita yang agak bad adalah, gue sampai detik ini masih di Jakarta dan belum pulang ke ternate :(
tapi gue juga punya good news. I had so much fun today, eating foods, visiting places, meeting people, uh seru deeeh!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hi Guys! It's February, isn't it?
Finally, I passed January..
Finally, I passed exam..
and finally, I passed semester 1 yeaay!

so yes, sekarang gue lagi menikmati bulan februari (everyone does it too, yen! -_-)
tapi februari yang gue nikmatin ini beda sama yang orang lain nikmatin. kenapa?
di saat kampus lain udah mulai kuliah lagi..
di saat anak-anak SMA sibuk try out sana sini buat persiapan UN ataupun SNMPTN..
di saat para ababil galau ga bisa moveon dari mantan..
dan di saat bunga sakura bermekaran di jepang...
gue.. gue.. gue.. liburan!
yeaaay liburan!

Friday, January 4, 2013

HI, 2013!

Hi. It's not my first post in 2013. But who cares? HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! I hope you had a very interesting and enjoyable new year eve.
Well, before it's too late to greet 2013 and to say bye bye to 2012. I decide to write this post.

Others could write and share their own kaleidoscope, others could write and share the story of their new year eve, others could write and share about their new year resolution. But me? Umm.. I still don't know what specific topic to talk about.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear, you..

"Dan sepertinya segala euforia serta rasa suka sesaat kepada orang yang berbeda-beda pun hilang dengan satu obrolan singkat saja denganmu. You miss me, don't you? Yeah, I miss you too... "